Aruba Central NetConductor with Puzzle Piece Precision

We created an animated explainer video for Aruba, showcasing their innovative service: Aruba Central NetConductor while aligning with their new brand puzzle piece aesthetic. The video utilized shapes of letters from the client's logo as windows and connections, bringing life to their brand elements in a unique and captivating manner. Through a collaborative effort with the client, we developed the storyboard and executed the final animation, resulting in a concise and effective explainer video.


    The primary challenge we faced was creating an animated explainer video that not only effectively explained the Aruba Central NetConductor service but also seamlessly incorporated the newly designed brand aesthetic. The absence of existing videos using the brand puzzle piece aesthetic presented an opportunity to pioneer and bring this fresh approach to life. We had to ensure that the final video aligned with the client's vision, represented their brand accurately, and conveyed the benefits of their service in a clear and engaging way.


    We adopted a strategic approach that involved close collaboration with the client. Our process began with thorough research of the script to understand the intricacies of the Aruba Central NetConductor service and grasp its unique selling points. We reviewed and analyzed current ads the understand their brand puzzle piece aesthetic thoroughly. With this knowledge, we proceeded to craft a storyboard that seamlessly integrated the puzzle piece slices of letters from the logo as windows within the animation.

    To maintain a consistent brand identity, we ensured that the color palette, typography, and visual elements used in the video aligned with the client's new brand guidelines.



    2D Animation
    3D Animation

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