Cornerstone Fitness

  • Excited to collaborate with Cornerstone Fitness, we embarked on a journey to craft their distinctive brand identity. At the core of Cornerstone Fitness lies Scott, a dedicated personal trainer and wellness coach. Aspiring to become a thriving fitness influencer and entrepreneur, Scott recognized the importance of a new logo that could embody his unwavering passion and boundless energy for his work.


    Logo Development
    Video Production
    Video Editing

Project Kickoff

To kickstart this branding project, our first step was to delve into Scott's business and vision. Through meaningful conversations with the client, we sought clarity on the platform he aimed to establish, the target market, and the competitive landscape. To ensure a comprehensive understanding of his mission, strategy, and attributes, we provided Scott with our Logo Design Brief to guide the process.

After the insightful discovery session, we proceeded with extensive research on the fitness industry. This phase involved a thorough examination of what set apart successful personal fitness brands from those that failed to make an impact.

Logo Design Options

During the sketching phase, our focus was on creating logos that resonated with Scott's preferences and aligned perfectly with his business identity. He expressed a keen interest in a Simple, sleek, and modern style, and we channeled our efforts into crafting designs that embodied these characteristics.

In our first logo option, we explored a creative approach by incorporating the essence of "Cornerstone" into the design with a logomark shaped like a corner. Responding to Scott's preference, we considered a high-energy, vibrant blue to complement his brand's identity, adding a dynamic touch to the overall look.

However, the second logo option emerged as Scott's favorite. It featured a compelling symbol that represented a lightning bolt. In the full-color version, we offered three distinct color gradient options, strategically enhancing the symbol's impact and infusing it with life and vibrancy.

The ultimate logo design seamlessly integrated the lightning bolt into the logomark, forming the spine of the letter 'F.' This striking element was enhanced by a gradient style that exuded vibrancy and energy, capturing the essence of Scott's brand.

In our color selection, we opted for a warmer palette, intentionally emphasizing Scott's deep passion for his business and unwavering commitment to his clients.

Logo Finalization

Upon logo selection, we finalized it and selected precise color codes. We then prepared a comprehensive set of logo files and guidelines, delivered in PDF, EPS, JPG, and PNG formats for versatility. The guidelines included color codes in PMS, CMYK, RGB, and hex formats, ensuring seamless integration and consistent representation across all mediums.

Photography - Headshots

To enhance his marketing efforts, we arranged a professional photoshoot with Scott, capturing compelling headshots for use on his social media and website. Subsequently, we expertly edited the photos to align seamlessly with his brand identity.

Promotional Video

We produced a compelling promotional video to enhance the marketing of his program. In a single day, we efficiently organized and shot the video using our state-of-the-art film equipment. The end result proved highly successful on social media, leading to a remarkable doubling of Scott's clientele.

Marketing Materials

To elevate his business further, we crafted a range of additional marketing materials. First, we created high-quality magnets, printed on ThinForce extra strong and durable magnet material, to adorn his truck and attract attention. Additionally, we designed and produced a selection of shirts in various sizes, which he could distribute to clients as they joined his program.

“Fancy Dog catapulted my online business to a whole new level. Within just a few weeks after rebranding, the amount of clientele I had increased by 50%. The professionalism and creativity that both Katy and Greg bring to the table is top notch. They helped turn my dream into a brand and professional looking business. My logo, headshots and promo videos exceeded my expectations and have brought me a ton of revenue. I can’t recommend them enough!”

— Scott Billington | Elite Trainer, Cornerstone Fitness

Are you ready to get fancy?